Hi there!
On the list of the dozens of jobs, things, projects that I wish to do in my life you have picked up the Photograph one.
If you are curious to know, here is a part of my story:
I have always been amazed by the photos. In the sense that one caught micro-second in time can tell a big story. Words are not required. It goes beyond the borders of languages. Although I know that it can be stopped by the cultural differences. But still, some looks, facial expressions, human habits are universal.
Yet, it took me long before investing myself into photography. As often, creativity, good decisions come out after an inner crash: my little burn-out as I like to call it now. I started to compulsively click on my camera, bringing it everywhere. Travels, parties or restaurants with friends, daily walks in my city Marseille and week-end hikes. My eyes had always played at catching the little details, my mind had always air-framed what was going around. A camera in hands, I had now a way to present it. Through my photography I want to show my optimistic way of seeing the world, to show the beauty of the things, of the places, and of the people. Somehow, proving that the world is not bland at all, that there are interesting things to see no matter where you are. I want to try to see deep in the eyes of the persons in front of me, hoping they will invite me behind their social masks.
As said earlier, no words needed. Which is convenient for someone that don’t like that much to speak, and express its own feelings. Though, I try to overcome my weaknesses. Little by little, from small humorous titles, that may change your perception of a photo, to haïku and hidden poems, I learn to use the words. They are now accompanying some of the caught micro-seconds. You may find them in English or in French, my mother tongue, or in any other language related to the story behind the shot.
In the upcoming steps of my photographic journey, I will try to get closer to photo journalism. It could be by following sporting or artistic events. It could be by immerging myself in a community, understanding their hopes, fears, and how their social system works. At the end, it is all about trying to better understand our world.